Suggestions for Keyboard Layouts for various games
    + Corsair
    + Hellgate: London
    + World of Warcraft
    + Battlefield 2142

(from: joshz)
ESDF: Movement keys
E → W
F → A (iCue profile)

Hellgate: London
Blademaster (from: Ettanin)
ESDF: Movement keys
Q: Action 1
W: Action 2
3: Action 3/Used for Health Injectors
4: Action 4/Used for Power Packs
5: Action 5/Used for Mixed Packs
R: Action 6
T: Action 7
G: Action 8
V: Action 9/Used for Aura of Deflection
C: Action 10/Used for Aura of Power
, : Action 11/Used for Personal Relocation Devices
. : Action 12/Used for Recall Portal

World of Warcraft
EDSF - forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right
R - reply
V - auto-run
Z - sit/stand
X - Follow
TAB - target closest enemy
A - 1) sheath weapon, or 2) Attack On/Off
CTRL+- - Mount up
CTRL+= - Hearthstone

Q - Activate Stealth
W - Earthstrike/trinket
1 - Slice and Dice
2 - Sinistr Strike
3 - Eviserate
4 - Gouge
5 - Backstab
6 - Kick
7 - Feint
8 - Sprint
9 - Evasion
0 - Kidney Shot - - Vanish
= - Shoot Crossbow
more to come

Q - Blessing of Protection
W - Flash of Light
more to come

Battlefield 2142
ESDF - forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right
W - Enter vechicle/activate
R - Reload
Z - prone
C - Crouch
Q - Voice menu
Shift - Run
V - Voice chat

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